February 11, 2025

Studying Is Better, But Is It For Your Health?

When we’re like 3 to 4 years old, we start our education. First with kindergarten and the middle school, then the high school, most probably the college. But the education doesn’t stops from there. They say that, you study until you die, that’s actually true. There are lot of things that we have to study and couldn’t cover up even it takes our whole life time. Studying can be categorize in many ways. We use books our notes to study the subject matter. And mostly the computers to do presentations and document making. And when it comes to exams, we use more time spending with these books computers and all, to learn well and get the best results. Bu do you have any idea that, you are losing something along the way?

What are we loosing?
Well, if you are a person who spends most of your time studying, then you would be using a lot of books, computer and stuff, but it doesn’t mean you need only the books and stuff to study, I think experiencing is a very good way to study as well. But mostly we use the items like books to study. But have you ever thought that studying for a long time period can cause you a lot of stress and it affect to your posture if you’re seated the whole time in front of a table, and eye defects due to looking at something so near for a long time that would cause short sightedness and all? Sometimes you may have thought about these things, and thought that studying is more important than that! It’s not true, your health is important as well and if you ask an eye surgeon, they will tell you exactly what you’ve being doing wrong the whole time.

Is there any?
Do you know that, looking at a screen for longer time, can affect the cornea of your eye? If you are someone suffering from such defect, then you have to find an eye care professional as soon as possible, you are in good luck as the laser eyes surgery cost can be manageable and the surgery cause no pain at all. So is there any other precaution that we could take before we face such a situation? Well you could take breaks when you read notes from the books and use flat screens which are good for your eye . Posture is more important, so why don’t you go to a gym and do some stretching exercises or take a walk every morning to enhance your physical state and the mental wellbeing? You should definitely try it if you are a student.

Being better
Being better is not all about having all the money and spending a rich life, it is about being healthy and attractive far from illnesses. So pay of your attention to your health if you are a student who’s studding full time.